Category: Metal Saw
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Cutting a Hole in Metal Support Beam to Rescue Little Bird
Dec 13, 2022
#Dogs #Cool #Save #Saving #Saves #Help #Out #Pull #Dog #Small #Little #Tiny #Pulling #Pet #Pets #Nature #Black #Birds #Feel Good #Brown #Rescue #Rescues #Rescued #Metal #Up #Awesome #Helping #Saved #Cutting #Rescuing #ViralHog #Pup #Guys #Wild Animals #Pulled #Neat #Sparks #Cut #Square #Bend #Doggy #Spark #Grinder #File #Files #Filing #Rescuer #Doggo #Grind #Blades #Bent #Bending #Grinding #Rescuers #Domesticated Animals #Squares #Metal Cutter #2022 #Metal Saw #Metal Blade #Khun Ann
Balancing Act Comes Down with a Crash
Yair Drory
Aug 25, 2022
#Stunts #Fall #Falls #Tips #Falling #Metal #Head #Fell #Pain #Stunt #Bleed #Ouch #Blood #Balances #Tip #Tipped #Tipping #Bleeding #Painful #Latvia #Forehead #Balanced #See-saw #Riga #Balance Balancing #See Saw
Guys Rescue a Cow with its Foot Trapped in Gate
Carson Sleep
Apr 21, 2022
#Cool #Stunts #USA #Save #Saving #Saves #Help #Stuck #Crazy #In #Cow #Cows #Feel Good #Rescue #Rescues #Rescued #Metal #Foot #Awesome #Helping #Saved #Scared #Cutting #Rescuing #ViralHog #Scare #Scary #Cuts #Gate #Guys #Chain #Wild Animals #Poop #Freeing #Neat #Free #Calf #Pooping #Gates #Situation #Cut #Emergency #Hoof #Rescuer #South Dakota #Helped #Rescuers #Tense #Hoove #Hooves #2022 #Spearfish #Sawzall #Power Saw
Removing the Pin Holding Toe Together After Chainsaw Accident
Ellery Tareha
Mar 03, 2020
#Gross #Accident #Pull #Pulling #Crazy #Metal #Disgusting #Remove #Long #Saw #Hold #ViralHog #Huge #Nasty #New Zealand #Chainsaw #Guys #Chain #Pulled #Doctor #Removed #Grip #NSFW – Graphic Content #Holding #Icky #Removing #Pin #Pins #2020 #Plyers #Gripping
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